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 For those who are new to RP read this!

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Millie Jarvinen
Millie Jarvinen

Number of posts : 25
Age : 37
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2008-11-14

For those who are new to RP read this! Empty
PostSubject: For those who are new to RP read this!   For those who are new to RP read this! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 14, 2008 7:23 am

--- Unless introduced IC, you don't know a persons name or there race unless it is obvious from there avatar (For example, when a Lycan is human form thetre is no way of knowing that they are indeed a Lycan, unless you watched them transformon the full moon) so make sure you introduce yourself and respect that some races will wish to be seen as 'human'.

--- OC (Out of Character) matters should virtually always be handled in IM's. There is very little reason to speak in local chat about OC matters unless it pertains to everyone around. Saying (BRB) while mid RP makes sense, you want people to know they are going to have to wait till you can respond. Saying (aww shoot, I meant equestrian not aquestrian, stoopid typos, lol) is pointless, if we can't figure out what you meant we will IM you and ask. OC in local kills the mood, kills the flow and turns a lot of people off from RPing in general.

---RPing "/me nods and waves hello" and then running off is NOT RP. RPing "/me nods at the man as he approaches, waving a hand in greeting. He continues walking, intending to pass the man and head westward." Then standing and waiting for a response is VERY good RP. This is not only easy to do, it takes little time to type up and can be fairly generic and is still always positive.

---You cannot be engaged in RP if you don't give yourself the time to get a response. Far too often do people post a million short thinks like "/me nods "Hello", /me chuckles "You're having trouble speaking?" /me wonders if he's fallen asleep". The reason you're having trouble (if you're the person making the list of tiny posts all one after another) is because first off you are not RPing and second you have no patience. Emote, then wait for a response. If the response doesn't come after 10 to 15 seconds (not two seconds that feel like an eternity because you can't wait a bit) then take the liberty to emote again.

--- Combat fighting. Commence all fighting through RP /me slides her hands down grabbing the hilt of her sword she draws them quickly facing her opponent, flicking her head back arrogantly waiting for the other to make there move. This indicates you are ready for combat and will allow the other to arm themselves and initiate the fight.

--- Also... before continuing on your way give the person atleast a ten second count... then move your avatar a maximum of five paces past the person and emote something like "/me lowers their hand as they pass Joe Nobody, turning their head away from him and facing the direction they are walking off to." wait another ten seconds and if you still don't get a response move on. Why do it this way? You've also made yourself available for RP, simply doing this makes you more approachable because people will see that you do know how to RP even if you're not sticking around for any. Even if you have some place to go and someone responds with something and tries to hold you up it's simple to emote needing to move on and continuing on your way. If they follow and continue to talk that is their responsibility but it is courteous to walk ten meters, then stop and give them a moment to emote. If you're a quick typist you could also make short emotes about continuing on your way, examining the foliage, noticing a small yellow bird flitting past as you walk on. Consider that you and the person you're RPing with in passing and yourself are both slow typists, what once was a full minute walk across the sim may now have become a five minute walk which resulted in good conversation and character plot development. If that sounds to you as if you've wasted too much time then I will say plainly that you have NO place in an RP sim.

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