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 Backgorund story of Dark gothica

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Millie Jarvinen
Millie Jarvinen

Number of posts : 25
Age : 37
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2008-11-14

Backgorund story of Dark gothica Empty
PostSubject: Backgorund story of Dark gothica   Backgorund story of Dark gothica Icon_minitimeFri Nov 14, 2008 7:17 am

**The Fighting**
Humanity in all its technological advancement has never been able to accomplish the one most important task…peace. The wars began with the need of humans wanting world domination. As the fighting escalated humanity destroyed earth’s perfect balance. The ozone layer which protected the earth began to deteriorate but the fighting did not stop. As the energy supply dwindled mans greed wished to dominate that too. Government against Government all fought to control the flow of energy resources. To control energy was to control the world itself.

**A new hope**
Scientist Doctor Yoshiwas and Clay had experimented on ways to create an unending supply of energy that could bring peace to all the despair. Each failed experiment only made the Doctors believe they were that much closer to succeeding. Until Dr Clay combined a new compound derived from the earth core called Kission. The good news traveled across the globe with every man, woman and child rejoicing for the opportunity of peace. The Liberty Day as it was called was the day the unveiling of the new power source would be introduced. As the world looked on in anticipation little did they know that the energy power would be used to destroy the world.

Through the the new Kission compound and the combination of fusion; reactions released vast quantities of energy from relatively small amounts of matter; a modern thermonuclear weapon was created. Weighing little more than a 500 kilograms produced an explosion comparable to the detonation of more than 2 billion kilograms of conventional high explosive.

The technology had been stolen and sold by a group unknown at that time to society called the Watchers. The Watchers a well organized crime syndicate was looking only to gain a profit, not interested in who would win the final wars. Monetary greed lead this group to sell the new technology to several different countries that offered large amounts of Isis. As these countries attacked each other the earth could no longer sustain life. The Metals Wars, as they are called, destroyed all government and society plunging the world into a Dark Age leaving behind individuals that formed clans in order to survive. The weapons unleashed during the final wars were strong enough to alter coastlines, level cities, and leave large areas of land lethally radioactive. These future weapons bathed the surviving life of Earth in unspecified forms of radiation and biochemical agents, producing widespread, permanent mutations among humans, animals, and plants. As a result, fantastic mutations such as multiple limbs, super strength, and psychic powers are relatively common, as well as humans thirsting for blood and roaming the streets...

Those that survived the conditions of the new earth hid deep within the undergrounds and tunnels systems. Hiding from would be death from the harsh elements, no water, extreme exposure to extreme heat in the day, and snow storms at night. Leaving behind all that they knew all that once belonged to the human race, they began their journey to the underground and entered the darkness beneath the earth.

**A century after a nuclear war decimated human civilization...**
Our history has been passed down by word of mouth since no books were available to tell us of the tale of mankind we call “The Ancients”.

The only group with significant knowledge of the Ancients are isolated robots and other artificial intelligences that survived the war—though these machines tend to be damaged, in ill-repair, or insanely hostile to organic beings.

The descendants of the survivors have begun to leave the underground and tunnels to start a new life above. The Public Eye Corp has promised the people that Technology would lead the path to salvation. Technology and the Public Eye would bring Peace to the land. Earth is no longer as it was, people cannot survive the extreme heat from the sun, the snow storms of the night. The water and air supply are all provided by the Corp. The force field introduced by the Eye Corp is the newest technological marvel. A liquid derived from the Chalcogen Group, this radioactive material is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures changes. As the field adapts itself to the fluctuations of temperatures it produces O2 stabilizing oxygen supplies within the city.

Many have begun to leave the underground believing that division and fighting has stopped they place new hope on technology and the Eye Corp. The advancement of technology is the main goal of the city. Though many urban area still exist, food and supplies are limited, great expense is taken to provide the highest technology currently available. Clan unity is a strong emphasis in the city, since many support and protect each other from invaders. Some choose to just live day by day and work at the Public Eye Corporate office. These high tech workers are honored and supplied the best salary and lifestyle.

**Life in the underground**
Some do not believe in the hope and salvation the Public Eye brings, so they stayed underground becoming societies outcast. These individuals fight for the right to live independently refusing to accept that technology is salvation. They live as how they believe Ancients did foraging for food and water. Building items from spare parts. They hold freedom as their highest priority not willing to be dominated by anyone or anything especially the Public Eye.

The underground outcast are developing their own way of life. Living off the land and re-using past technology and parts they have developed their own style of living commonly known as Steam punk. They have developed businesses, lighting and energy from the water captured on the ceilings of the caves.
Emphasizing freedom they reject any Government social order. For them Government means more wars they hold themselves to a higher standard and would only fight to save their city or home.

Many that have obvious and severe mutations have stayed underground Rats, dysfunctional robots, wild pets are just a few that lurk in the dark tunnels. Rummaging for parts and equipments they have build or rebuilt droids seeking to find the true story of what occurred during the Metal Wars. So far the droids have not provided them with much information these droids serve the tunnels some have special defense abilities, while others have strong weapons background. Others are just partially fixed units on the verge of falling apart.

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