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 7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music)

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Aurora Morahan
Aurora Morahan

Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-11-15

7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music) Empty
PostSubject: 7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music)   7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 10:55 am

Here is some in character music where I turned the 7th Chakra into an anti-corporate band!

Thanks for everyone in DG for providing an inspiring environment!




I'm underground, bouncing around
The public eye will never shut me down
The 7th Chakra, is comin' back yeah
And we're gonna bring down corp and the bank

The bombs are in the truck
and we don't give a fuck
Got no Isis so we'll try our luck

The bombs are in the truck
and we don't give a fuck
Got no Isis so we'll try our luck

I'm underground, bouncing around
The public eye will never shut me down
The 7th Chakra, is comin' back yeah
And we're gonna bring down corp and the bank

The bombs are in the truck
and we don't give a fuck
Got no Isis so we'll try our luck

I'm underground, bouncing around
I'm fucked on Enki and I ain't comin' down
I'm underground, bouncing around
I'm fucked on Enki and I ain't comin' down
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Aurora Morahan
Aurora Morahan

Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-11-15

7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music)   7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 7:37 am

Okay here's the second song http://www.myspace.com/jamminindica

This is a message from the future generation
We have to know why we face termination
The government drones turn our planet to dust
While everything we create is destined to rust
Now if you'd just run that by me again
'cause I think this planet has gone fucking insane
We're heading for imminent self destruction
At least this is my uneducated deduction

Self defiance
Fueled by
Corporate science
Filled with rage
welcome to
the digital age

Self defiance
Fueled by
Corporate science
Filled with rage
Welcome to
the digital age

Overload the speakers with pnumatic beat
To Make your mind go wild and control your feet
We have to beam this shit straight up into space
When all is gone there will be no trace
Nuclear impacts shake the crust and core
The constant fighting and perpetual war
We're heading for imminent self destruction
At least this is my uneducated deduction

Self defiance
Fueled by
Corporate science
Filled with rage
welcome to
the digital age

Self defiance
Fueled by
Corporate science
Filled with rage
Welcome to
the digital age!
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7th Chakra Band (Illegal IC music)
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